
Author Annie P. Pierce

Annie Pierce is a 1972 graduate of the University of Chicago with a B.A. in Chemistry and studied and majored in Photography and Printmaking at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago while teaching 35 mm Black & White Photography and Printmaking to inner-city children for Model Cities (1972-1976). She traveled to Los Angeles to learn how to make money with “art” and worked as a Layout Artist for The Watts Times Newspaper and Western Badge and Trophy as Art Director (1978-1980); she co-founded the graphic arts and print/silk screening shop,

Crenshaw Graphics (1980-1999); and became the Founder and President of the Community Financial Investment Groups Association(C.F.I.G.) in 1993, which invested over $590,000 in Los Angeles Black-owned businesses (19932002) (Ms. Pierce and C.F.I.G. were featured in THE WALL STREET JOURNAL on October 15th, 1997, as a viable collective investment structure for the African-American community); Publishing the Community Clipper, The African Connection, and the Community Circle News, which had a circulation of 30,000 newspapers distributed twice a month to over 400 locations, from Pasadena to Long Beach, CA(1989-1997); being the Founder and Trustee of The Real Estate Club, where she increased the holdings of the CLUB to over $3 Million in real estate holdings within two years (2000-2009): Co-founding the NaturaGrow Garden Club in 2014 to teach people how to grow healthy food, and in 2016, established The NaturaCare® Healing and Wellness Network at www.NaturaCare.net, where people can learn about a large variety of Natural Healing modalities.

Ms. Pierce has also been a Herbal Enthusiast for over 30 years, closely following the teachings of Jethro Kloss in his book “Back To Eden.” This interest in Herbs led her to create The-Cure-It-Yourself Herbal Medicine Store. Being a diligent researcher, in 2009, when she discovered that raw Apricot Seeds prevented and cured Cancer, she began to research every Natural Cancer Cure that she could find and created two very popular Natural Cancer Cures websites, both of which reached the first page of Google and educated millions of visitors seeking alternative treatments besides radiation, surgery and chemo. She published a Kindle Book entitled, “BEST WAYS TO AVOID CANCER AND LEAD A LIFE OF WELLNESS”, which is available on Amazon. Unfortunately, in November 2020, all three of these websites were hacked and infected with viruses. One of Ms. Pierce’s goals for Youth Publications is to hire a research team of college interns to re-create and further continue the research about Herbal Medicines and Natural Healing information. 

 The healing and wellness research that Ms. Pierce has focused on during the last 12 years has led her to believe that “the cure is in the kitchen and our minds” and that all of mankind can be healed with good thoughts and good quality natural herbs and food! For this reason, she has been insistent on making her daily food intake consist of at least 65% ORGANIC alkaline food. Having a personal Natural Agriculture garden and being concerned about the emergence of G.M.O. seeds and products inspired Miss Pierce to create The Seed Connection at www.theseedconnection.org and www.NaturaGrow.org, which is a marketplace where the public can purchase Natural Agriculture Seeds and learn about Natural Agriculture, growing, harvesting, and seed-saving.

Miss Pierce has been on a well-guided spiritual path for the past 50 years. During this time, she taught Bible class to children at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, studied the ancient spiritual wisdom of Kabbalah, joined the S.H.U.M.E.I. organization, became a Practitioner of J.Y.O.R.E.I., and most recently, became a Certified Practitioner of     Ho ‘Oponopono, with Dr. Hew Len, and Joe Vitale. Following some devastating set-backs with the real estate market crash, Ms. Pierce was divinely guided into SERVICE of HUMANITY, first, with the natural cancer cures research, which has been offered for free since 2009, and then with the reactivation of her inactive non-profit organization, Youth Publications, Inc., which she founded in 1979. Her divine personal Ministry was made very clear to her over the last decade: “FEED the people, HEAL the people, and TEACH the people how the FEED and HEAL themselves.” 

All of her many life passions, businesses, and involvements have naturally settled on the much-overlooked focal point…our children, who are the future. Consequently, she is working very diligently on augmenting and expanding the GLOBAL EDUCATIONAL systems to include character development along with the current academic and memorization focus, especially for the younger children ages 0-7 years old, and introducing older youth back to Nature, with understanding and growing the food that they eat.